Nice to meet you!

I am Venezia Hartanto, a student and a passionate learner from Indonesia who is currently studying at Foothill College, Los Altos, California. My major is cognitive science and I am hoping to transfer to a four-year university this year, hopefully UC Berkeley. As a learner with a strong motivation to succeed, I take every day of my life as a chance for growth. I can never take one day off for a break from learning something new. Beyond classes at school, I often look up things on the internet, and also sometimes use some platforms such as Coursera and edX.

Learning is an exciting activity for me since from doing that, I can get abundant information that I can use to shape myself. Personally, learning at a class is not just to learn the materials and get a good grade. However, it is the process of the learning that is the most important to me. From my experience, I have been getting so many insights in the process of learning in classes at school where I can grow as a student who has a clear vision and goal of what I want to be in the future.

Talking about my passion…..

I am a passionate UX Designer and Researcher, which is a skill of mine that I have developed not a long time ago, one year. It started when I was wondering why do I always look for my phone’s battery at the top right corner of my phone’s screen. This question made me do a thorough internet research where I discovered that my phone’s user interface is built such to reduce the workload of human’s mind. This really impressed me and I decided to explore more at Coursera. With some basic knowledge, I proceeded to involve at non profit organization called ShelterTech, which is a technology-focused non-profit that has a goal to help the homeless in San Francisco to find resources. I was one of the UX Researchers, and since then, I solidified my decision that I want to be a UX Designer and Researcher.